Virtual Staging and Photo Retouching

Enhance Listings with Our Advanced Image Editing Services

Hawaii Life's photo retouching services elevate your property listings by skillfully enhancing visual appeal. Our Create Team can convincingly add digital furniture and decor to transform spaces, attracting potential buyers. We deliver high-quality realistic images that showcase your properties at their best.

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Virtual staging is becoming increasingly popular in the real estate industry, using computer software and Create Team members to enhance property photos with added furniture and decor, making them more appealing to potential buyers. However, it comes with limitations and potential drawbacks. At Hawaii Life, we emphasize ethical and transparent virtual staging practices, acknowledging the risk of false representation and ensuring disclaimers on enhanced images. We encourage diligent disclosure of virtually staged photos and invite viewers for in-person visits to experience the property without digital enhancements.

Wondering if you should use Virtually Staged photos, for additional info check out our KB Article: Virtual Staging


The Create Team offers Virtual Staging for photos at the rate of $80/hour. Each photo takes an average of 1 hour to complete but can vary depending on the requested details. Delivery of final images will be in JPG or PNG format, with a maximum resolution of 12 Mega Pixels. Professional photo editing can take 2-3 business days for our team to complete

Note: Please keep in mind that more than 3 edits can increase the cost.


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